Food, Fuel and Fields. Progress in African Archaebotany

Katharina Neumann, Ann Butler & Stefanie Kahlheber
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Africa Praehistorica 15
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Über diese Publikation:

Bis in die späten 1970er Jahre fehlte es der afrikanischen Archäologie an grundlegenden Daten über die Wechselwirkung zwischen Umweltveränderungen und Subsistenzstrategien, den Übergang zum Ackerbau und die Entstehung von Zivilisationen und ihrem wirtschaftlichen Hintergrund. Seitdem sind zahlreiche archäobotanische Studien durchgeführt worden, um diese Situation zu ändern. Der vorliegende Band enthält 19 Beiträge zu Ägypten, Äthiopien, Libyen, Kenia, Marokko, Namibia, der Arabischen Halbinsel und den Kanarischen Inseln. Er enthält vor allem die überarbeiteten und zum Teil erheblich erweiterten Beiträge des 3rd International Workshop on African Archaeobotany, der im Jahr 2000 in Frankfurt stattfand. Vorgestellt werden Fallstudien zu Pflanzenresten aus archäologischen Fundstätten und Museumssammlungen sowie ethnographische und vergleichende morphologische und systematische Untersuchungen an lebenden Pflanzen.



Archaeobotany of North Africa and the Canary Isles

  • Ahmed Gamal-El-Din Fahmy: Palaeoethnobotanical studies of Egyptian Predynastic cemeteries - new dimensions and contributions.
  • Patricia Crawford: Weeds as indicators of land-use strategies in ancient Egypt.
  • Barbara Zach-Obmann: 7500 years old imprints of Panicum turgidum in a Saharan potsherd.
  • Ruth Pelling: Medieval and early modern agriculture and crop dispersal in the Wadi el-Agial, Fezzan, Libya.
  • Jacob Morales: Islands, plants and ancient human societies - a review of archaeobotanical works on the prehistory of the Canary Isles.

Wood for Fuel and Crafts.

  • Barbara Eichhorn & Norbert Jürgens: The contribution of charcoal analysis to the Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history of northwestern Namibia.
  • Lydia Zapata Peña, Leonor Peña-Chocarro, Juan José Ibáñez Estévez & Jesús Emilio González Urquijo: Ethnoarchaeology in the Moroccan Jebala (Western Rif) - wood and dung as fuel.
  • María Victoria Asensi Amorós: L'étude du bois et de son commerce en Egypte - lacunes des connaissances actuelles et perspectives pour l'analyse xylologique.
  • Nahed Mourad Waly: Wooden objects from Ptolomaic and Early Coptic Periods, Upper Egypt.

Out of Africa: Contacts with Asia 

  • René T.J. Cappers: Exotic imports of the Roman Empire - an exploratory study of potential vegetal products from Asia.
  • Marijke van der Veen: Trade and diet at Roman and medieval Quseir al-Qadim, Egypt. A preliminary report.
  • Dominique de Moulins, Carl Phillips & Nadia Durrani: The archaeobotanical record of Yemen and the question of Afro-Asian contacts.
  • Margareta Tengberg: Archaeobotany in the Oman peninsula and the role of Eastern Arabia in the spread of African crops.
  • Dorian Q. Fuller: African crops in prehistoric South Asia - a critical review.
  • Roger Blench: The movement of cultivated plants between Africa and India in prehistory.


About this publication:

Until the late 1970s African archaeology has suffered from the lack of basic data relative to the interaction between environmental change and subsistence strategies, the transition to farming, and the rise of civilizations and their economic background. Since then, numerous archaeobotanical studies have been conducted to change this situation. The present volume includes 19 papers dealing with Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, Kenya, Morocco, Namibia, the Arabian Peninsula and the Canary Islands. It contains primarily the revised and, in some instances, considerably expanded papers read during the 3rd International Workshop on African Archaeobotany which was held in Frankfurt in 2000. Presented are case studies on the plant remains from archaeological sites and museum collections, as well as ethnographic and comparative morphological and systematic investigations on living plants.



Archaeobotany of North Africa and the Canary Isles

  • Ahmed Gamal-El-Din Fahmy: Palaeoethnobotanical studies of Egyptian Predynastic cemeteries - new dimensions and contributions.
  • Patricia Crawford: Weeds as indicators of land-use strategies in ancient Egypt.
  • Barbara Zach-Obmann: 7500 years old imprints of Panicum turgidum in a Saharan potsherd.
  • Ruth Pelling: Medieval and early modern agriculture and crop dispersal in the Wadi el-Agial, Fezzan, Libya.
  • Jacob Morales: Islands, plants and ancient human societies - a review of archaeobotanical works on the prehistory of the Canary Isles.

Wood for Fuel and Crafts.

  • Barbara Eichhorn & Norbert Jürgens: The contribution of charcoal analysis to the Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history of northwestern Namibia.
  • Lydia Zapata Peña, Leonor Peña-Chocarro, Juan José Ibáñez Estévez & Jesús Emilio González Urquijo: Ethnoarchaeology in the Moroccan Jebala (Western Rif) - wood and dung as fuel.
  • María Victoria Asensi Amorós: L'étude du bois et de son commerce en Egypte - lacunes des connaissances actuelles et perspectives pour l'analyse xylologique.
  • Nahed Mourad Waly: Wooden objects from Ptolomaic and Early Coptic Periods, Upper Egypt.

Out of Africa: Contacts with Asia 

  • René T.J. Cappers: Exotic imports of the Roman Empire - an exploratory study of potential vegetal products from Asia.
  • Marijke van der Veen: Trade and diet at Roman and medieval Quseir al-Qadim, Egypt. A preliminary report.
  • Dominique de Moulins, Carl Phillips & Nadia Durrani: The archaeobotanical record of Yemen and the question of Afro-Asian contacts.
  • Margareta Tengberg: Archaeobotany in the Oman peninsula and the role of Eastern Arabia in the spread of African crops.
  • Dorian Q. Fuller: African crops in prehistoric South Asia - a critical review.
  • Roger Blench: The movement of cultivated plants between Africa and India in prehistory.

Bibliographische Informationen:

304 Seiten

105 Abbildungen

45 Tafeln

21 x 28 cm

Englischer Text

Bibliographic Information:

304 pages

105 illustrations

45 plates

21 x 28 cm

English text

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