- Herausgeber/in:
- Editor:
- Friederike Jesse, Carola Vogel
- Mit Beiträgen von:
- With contributions by:
- Dan’el Kahn, Anja Kootz, László Török, Carola Vogel, Květa Smoláriková, Bogdan Żurawski, Mariusz Drzewiecki, James K. Hoffmeier, Lucia Mori, Derek A. Welsby, Irene Forstner-Müller, Pamela Rose. Alison Gascoigne, Stuart Tyson Smith, Lisa Heidorn, Dieter Eigner,
- Erscheinungsjahr:
- Publication year:
- 2013
- Reihe & Band:
- Series & Number:
- Colloquium Africanum 5
- 978-3-927688-13-1
- Preis:
- Price:
- 29 € Aktuell: 5 €
- 29 € Discount price: 5 €
Über diese Publikation:
Border and Territory
- Dan’el Kahn: The History of Kush – an Outline
- Anja Kootz: State-Territory and Borders versus Hegemony and its Installations: Imaginations Expressed by the Ancient Egyptians during the Classical Periods
- László Török: Egypt’s Southern Frontier Revisited Fortifications between Syria/Palestine and Nubia – Overview of the Historical Development of Fortifications
- Carola Vogel: Keeping the Enemy Out ‒ Egyptian Fortifications of the Third and Second Millennium BC
- Květa Smoláriková: Egyptian Fortifications from the First Millennium BC
- Bogdan Żurawski: Strongholds on the Middle Nile: Nubian Fortifications of the Middle Ages Mariusz Drzewiecki: Fortifications and the Post-Meroitic Period in Upper Nubia: Some Thoughts Systems of Border Protection
- James K. Hoffmeier: Reconstructing Egypt’s Eastern Frontier Defense Network in the New Kingdom (Late Bronze Age)
- Lucia Mori: Fortified Citadels and Castles in Garamantian Times: the Evidence from Southern Fazzan (Libyan Sahara)
- Derek A. Welsby: Rome’s Solution for the Defence of its Desert Frontier – a Model for Understanding the Strategies Adopted to Combat Similar Problems by the States on the Middle Nile?
Single Sites – Locations, Architecture, Garrison and Function
- Irene Forstner-Müller: City Wall(s) in Avaris Pamela Rose & Alison Gascoigne: Hisn al-Bab: More Symbol than Substance
- Stuart Tyson Smith: The Garrison and Inhabitants: A View from Askut Lisa Heidorn: Dorginarti: Fortress at the Mouth of the Rapids
- Dieter Eigner: A Stone Building in the Desert Sands ‒ Some Remarks on the Architecture of the Gala Abu Ahmed Fortress
- Friederike Jesse: Far from the Nile ‒ The Gala Abu Ahmed Fortress in Lower Wadi Howar (Northern Sudan)
About this publication:
Border and Territory
- Dan’el Kahn: The History of Kush – an Outline
- Anja Kootz: State-Territory and Borders versus Hegemony and its Installations: Imaginations Expressed by the Ancient Egyptians during the Classical Periods
- László Török: Egypt’s Southern Frontier Revisited Fortifications between Syria/Palestine and Nubia – Overview of the Historical Development of Fortifications
- Carola Vogel: Keeping the Enemy Out ‒ Egyptian Fortifications of the Third and Second Millennium BC
- Květa Smoláriková: Egyptian Fortifications from the First Millennium BC
- Bogdan Żurawski: Strongholds on the Middle Nile: Nubian Fortifications of the Middle Ages Mariusz Drzewiecki: Fortifications and the Post-Meroitic Period in Upper Nubia: Some Thoughts Systems of Border Protection
- James K. Hoffmeier: Reconstructing Egypt’s Eastern Frontier Defense Network in the New Kingdom (Late Bronze Age)
- Lucia Mori: Fortified Citadels and Castles in Garamantian Times: the Evidence from Southern Fazzan (Libyan Sahara)
- Derek A. Welsby: Rome’s Solution for the Defence of its Desert Frontier – a Model for Understanding the Strategies Adopted to Combat Similar Problems by the States on the Middle Nile?
Single Sites – Locations, Architecture, Garrison and Function
- Irene Forstner-Müller: City Wall(s) in Avaris Pamela Rose & Alison Gascoigne: Hisn al-Bab: More Symbol than Substance
- Stuart Tyson Smith: The Garrison and Inhabitants: A View from Askut Lisa Heidorn: Dorginarti: Fortress at the Mouth of the Rapids
- Dieter Eigner: A Stone Building in the Desert Sands ‒ Some Remarks on the Architecture of the Gala Abu Ahmed Fortress
- Friederike Jesse: Far from the Nile ‒ The Gala Abu Ahmed Fortress in Lower Wadi Howar (Northern Sudan)